We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
Workplace requirements and best practices evolve constantly – and this past year has seen many changes for Manitoba employers. No matter what industry you’re in or the size of your organization, you need to stay on top of the recent developments in labour and employment law. Effective human resource strategies depend on it.
This full-day seminar will be led by some of Manitoba’s leading labour and employment lawyers and will explore topics at the forefront to keep you up to date.
- Drug Testing in the Workplace: Current Jurisprudence and Future Directions
- With Reward Comes Risk: Why Employers Must Treat Foreign Workers Differently
- Harassment and Psychological Injury in the Workplace
- How Employers Should Act When an Employee is Charged with a Crime
- 2018 Labour and Employment Case Law Update
- Q and A Forum
- Registration and breakfast: 8:30 a.m. | Seminar: 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
- Registration closes: November 15, 2018
- Cost: $400/person | $350/CPHR Member (includes breakfast, lunch and refreshments)
- Buy two registrations, get the third free.
- Complimentary parking available in the Fort Garry Hotel parkade. Parking is limited, vouchers will be provided.
- This program has been approved for 7 CPHR Continued Professional Development hours by CPHR Manitoba.
- Cancel before November 14 for a full refund. Contact Brittany Kehler at to inquire about a refund.
- Space is limited. Only employers or their representatives are eligible to attend. We reserve the right to decline registrants.
Brittany Kehler
(204) 957-4740