Life after the Indian Act: Is your Community Ready?

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Event Time and Date

  • September 20, 2018
    8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Venue: Wanuskewin Heritage Park


RR #4, Penner Road, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada



Governing within the confines of the Indian Act is limiting. It has been a huge deterrent for success in First Nations communities for more than 150 years.

Over the past three years, the federal government has ambitiously engaged with First Nations leaders and people about self-determination and moving beyond the Indian Act. However, the process for First Nations to disengage from the Indian Act is complex, can take many different paths, and will need to be unique for each First Nation’s current situation and ongoing aspirations.

At the same time, resolving outstanding claims provides First Nations with the opportunity to take control of their economic futures and can provide the economic platform to better achieve self-determination. The workshop will provide updates on specific claims across Canada and discuss the path to successful specific claim agreements.

We invite you to a workshop for leadership and senior technicians for a step-by-step overview on how to focus the process of self-determination for your community.


Discussions on the Federal Government’s “Principles Respecting the Government of Canada’s Relationship with Indigenous Peoples”

Options on the Self-Determination Continuum

  • Bylaws under the Indian Act
  • Renegotiating the Numbered Treaties
  • Sectoral or “Opt-out/Opt-in” Legislation
  • Constitutional Amendment
  • Rebuilding Indigenous Law Structures

Comprehensive Self-government Arrangements Under the Inherent Rights Policy

Funding for Specific Claims

  • Negotiating Funding with Canada
  • Alternative Funding Arrangements and Litigation Insurance

Specific Claims: New Developments and Current Issues

Settling Claims and Implementing Settlement Agreements

  • Trust Agreements
  • Additions to Reserve Processes
  • Economic Development Opportunities



  • Registration and breakfast: 8 a.m. | Workshop: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • Registration closes: September 10, 2018


Nicky Goosen-Davila
(306) 956-2167

Photo courtesy of Tourism Saskatoon

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