This event has been temporarily postponed. Details will be posted when a new date and time has been selected.
Join us for an afternoon of informative discussion about the latest developments in cybersecurity and contract law. This seminar will provide a broad industry update to in-house counsel on topics ranging from crisis response planning and risk mitigation following a privacy breach, to recent developments in contract law, managing risk and class actions. The session includes a round table discussion with a panel of current and former in-house counsel, who will share their experiences relating to best practices and day-to-day management of internal and external stakeholders. Directly following the seminar will be a reception where attendees will have the opportunity to network with fellow in-house counsel.
- John Agioritis
- Nathan Schissel
- Jodi Wildeman
- Jason Mohrbutter
- Jonathan Troyer
- Stephanie Yang Morris
On the Agenda:
- Crisis Management in a Digital Age
- Key issues and challenges organizations face in a major crisis such as a cyber-attack
- Various legal and regulatory risks that counsel may be required to respond to and manage
- Best practices for crisis response planning and risk mitigation
- Update on Contract Law
- Recent developments in contract law
- Tips for managing risk including class actions
- Discussion about alternative dispute resolution clauses, notice provisions, limitations of liability, and the duty of honest contractual performance
- In-House Counsel Round Table
- Day to day management of internal and external stakeholders
- How to work effectively with outside counsel
- *Attendees will have an opportunity to submit questions to panel in advance*
- Registration: 1:30 p.m. | Presentations: 2 to 5 p.m. | Reception: 5 to 6:30 p.m.
- Location: Hill Tower 3, 2nd Floor – 2010 12th Avenue, Regina
- Cost: This seminar is offered free of charge.
- Registration Deadline: March 12, 2020
This seminar has been pre-approved for 3 CPD hours (1 Ethics hour) by the Law Society of Saskatchewan.
Rachelle Klassen, MLT Aikins LLP
Suite 1500, 1874 Scarth St
Regina, SK S4P 4E9
P: (306) 347-8662