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Jurisdiction and Conflict of Interest
- Examine what factors are considered by courts in determining whether federal or provincial jurisdiction applies to employment;
- Learn when the principle of divisibility affects jurisdiction and when discrete units will be held to be under provincial jurisdiction;
- Understand the division of powers and when the federal government’s residual power over labour relations will operate;
- Review the principles related to conflict of interest in employment;
- Examine the factors used by the courts in determining when a conflict of interest occurs and how to prevent them;
- Understand how the courts treat conflict of interest and the risks of conflict of interest findings.
- Webinar: 12 to 1:15 p.m. (Central Standard Time)
- Cost: $75 + GST ($3.75) = $78.75 per person
- Registration closes: November 2
- Cancel before November 2 for a full refund. Contact Nicky Goosen-Davila at to inquire about a refund.
- Space is limited. Only employers or their representatives are eligible to attend. We reserve the right to decline registrants.
- Pre-approved for 1.25 CPD hours with CPHR Saskatchewan.
Nicky Goosen-Davila, MLT Aikins LLP
1500 Saskatoon Square
410 – 22nd Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7K 5T6
P: (306) 956-2167
F: (306) 975-7145